#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plot from dataclasses import dataclass import socket WAVE_UP_FREQ = 100e3 WAVE_MAX_POINTS = 500e3 PRINT_WAVEFORM = True IP = "" PORT = 10001 @dataclass class Ramp: rangeL: float rangeH: float slewRateI: float length_s: float = 0.0 # Slew rate is 1 A/s from 0 A to 50 A # Slew rate is 0.5 A/s from 50 A to 70 A # Slew rate is 0.25 A/s from 70 A to 75.3 A l = [ Ramp(0.0, 50.0, 1.000), Ramp(50.0, 70.0, 0.500), Ramp(70.0, 75.3, 0.250) ] # Calculate the length of each sector time_s = 0 for item in l: item.length_s = (item.rangeH - item.rangeL) / item.slewRateI time_s += item.length_s print ("Total waveform time is:", time_s, "seconds") # FAST-PS-1K5 waveform update rate is 100 KHz and the max points number is 500.000 # A prescaler (P) can be used in order to reduce the update rate to 100 KHz/P prescaler = math.ceil((time_s*WAVE_UP_FREQ)/WAVE_MAX_POINTS) updateFreq = WAVE_UP_FREQ/prescaler print("The required prescaler (P) for the selected waveform is:", prescaler) print("The update rate of the waveform is:", updateFreq, "Hz") y = [] x = [] dx = 1.0/updateFreq x_acc = 0.0 for i in l: sectionPoints = int(i.length_s*updateFreq) dy = i.slewRateI/updateFreq for j in range(sectionPoints): # y logic y.append(i.rangeL + j*dy) # x logic (it is an accumulator) x.append(x_acc) x_acc += dx # ====================================== # Plot # ====================================== if PRINT_WAVEFORM: plot.plot(x, y, color="C9", label="Ramp") plot.title('Ramp') plot.xlabel('Time') plot.ylabel('Amplitude') plot.grid(True, which='both') plot.axhline(y=0, color='k') plot.legend() plot.show() # ====================================== # Create command # ====================================== # Create wave command wavestring = "WAVE:POINTS:" for i in range(len(y)): wavestring += str(y[i]) if (i != len(y)-1): # if not last element add ':' wavestring += ":" wavestring += "\r\n" # ad termination chars # Create sockets s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # TCP s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.connect((IP, PORT)) # Check version print("Check version") prescalerStr = "VER:?\r\n" s.sendall(prescalerStr.encode()) data = s.recv(2048).decode() print(data) # Set prescaler print("Set prescaleer") prescalerStr = "WAVE:PRESCALER:" + str(prescaler) + "\r\n" s.sendall(prescalerStr.encode()) data = s.recv(2048).decode() print(data) # Set number of periods to 1 print("Set number of periods to 1") prescalerStr = "WAVE:N_PERIODS:1\r\n" s.sendall(prescalerStr.encode()) data = s.recv(2048).decode() print(data) # Send points print("Send Waveform data...") s.sendall(wavestring.encode()) data = s.recv(2048).decode() print(data) # Now it is possible to execute the waveform with the cmd WAVE:START s.close()